Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rainbow fountain - 水花彩虹

This phenomenon isn't always.
It happens only during certain time in the morning when the sun would shine upon the fountain, only if the sun shine on certain angle and would not be block by the building much enough, and only if the fountain would sprut on that day.
If you compare the previous rainbow fountain I took days ago, the rainbow appeared shorter, that was because most part of the sunshine was block by the building. We were early, about 7.50am.
These were taken around 8.15am, so the sun rise higher up and the rainbow appeared longer.
这个情景发生在一个早晨,水花彩虹呈献在我们眼前。当时是8.15分左右,太阳升得越高,彩虹就显得越长,真教人心旷神怡, 心情开朗。

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