Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lele birthday present

This is lele birthday present. Bayblade L Drago. I decide this coz is a left turning one. I am sure he will like it!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Le Le at Frontier CC christmas tree

Le Le at Frontier CC Christmas tree
Last English tuition class, yeah!

Merry Christmas

Christmas is coming, wishing all a Happy Holiday!
Christmas tree at my office!!!


妹妹玩 "喜羊羊" (打地鼠也)!

Wet rainny night 又想 Mr Moon

25/11/2010 - It's a wet rainny night!
I shot Mr Moon last night, I think there will be no moon tonight!
It's so cooling tonight and I start to think of Mr Moon by 熊天平...
MR.MOON 词:吕文飞&许常德 曲:熊天平
(口白) Mr.Moon 请你告诉她,我把最真的给她
在地球两端 日夜分隔我俩
沾上琴弦的思念 唱出对你的纤绻
你的心遗落在他乡 我托付月亮把孤单带上
和你相聚的时光 总是那么的短暂
期待和你相逢 在异乡的情路上
回到最初的地方 看你熟悉的脸庞
共月共听共盼 宁静的月光
在地球两端 日夜分隔我俩
沾上琴弦的思念 唱出对你的纤绻
你的心遗落在他乡 我托付月亮把孤单带上
和你相聚的时光 总是那么的短暂
期待和你相逢 在异乡的情路上
回到最初的地方 看你熟悉的脸庞
共月共听共盼 宁静的月光
长长的黑夜 寂寞陪我入睡
想念不停叠着想念 叠成一座山
和你相聚的时光 总是那么的短暂
期待和你相逢 在异乡的情路上
回到最初的地方 看你熟悉的脸庞
共月共听共盼 宁静的月光
同年同月同日 敞开的心窗 MR.MOON

Mr Moon

Silly thing I did last night!
I tuck my camera lense into my binocular and shoot the moon,
The moon is not round, some "shave off" part can be seen and it has a rough texture!

The rising Sun

The rising SUN at dawn on 24/11/2010!

The cousins meet at popo's house

The cousins meet at popo's house on 23/11/2010!
Look, Metta is so delighted to meet Kystalle!
Blah Blah Blah, 2 funny girls!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dawn on 15-Nov-2010

Going to sunrise, cannot see rise...
Going to rain, cannot rain...
What Ti Gong wants?
Sun or Rain?
Cannot decide, so display both this morning!

Pek Kio Prawn Noodle

Pek Kio Hay Mee (Prawn Noodle)

My favourite No. 1 best!!

 Thumbs up, 赞!

Dry or Soup, Never miss it when you are there!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Cookies and cooking on Halloween Day

Cookies and cooking
It's menu I prepared on Halloween Day!
Nothing to do with Halloween, Just feel like making cookies and preparing nice dishes for the family.

Vivocity 的小兄妹

JS 不但请我们吃buffet, 还请我们看电影 - Megamind.
要不是JS, 我们也很难(很懒)会来,因为Vivocity 的parking,实在是太贵了!
不妨看一看2008 年摄的照片 (也是在Vivocity), 当时的他们,
改次再早出更早期的 (也是在Vivocity 摄),让他家欣赏 OK?!

Old Holland 的洋房

Old Holland 这个area,真的很不错。

Eco friendly BTO flats

Juz by looking (at the models) only, it really makes me wanna stay there.
No chance for us, this is the Eco-Punggol BTO, only for first timer and we can only DREAM ON.
Can the govt improve our area as well? I wonder if our surrounding could built something like sky garden or something. We already have a pond nearby but it's not near us, just nearby.
We are going to get an exercise equipment ground soon.
I hope that our area could be renamed, Others could have "The Pinnacles" even though they are HBD, I think it should be fair that we have a name for our area as well!

Sunset skyline

Was travelling on ECP towards AYE around 6+ this evening.
Took these pictures.

The evening skyline is so beautiful, and if I could retain it, I would be sharing this with everyone!

Friday, November 05, 2010


It's so "Carlerful" right?
I mean colourful!
I wonder if all 3 drivers are friends or just coincident?
They must have very good sense of colour co-ordination!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Le Le's creation

Last night Le Le has nothing to play, so he took out those rubber pads and start asking me: "Mama, what do you want me to make from these pads?"

I joke and said, " ok make a house, not too tall!" Thinking that he will stop bothering me as it would take him hard time to think, how to build it with those rubber pads? It's impossible what? haha...

And then he start calling me again after 5 minutes, and said, "Mama... it's done, see?"

What? Impossible, how could he be so fast and he really built a house with carpark somemore!

Very talented, I guess I would have think of something like square box or something, juz stacking up and become a flat, if I would be building it, I am so lousy.

Anyway, let me share with you his creation.

Sudden Rain in the Night

It was so sudden the night sky gave a 5 mins pour earlier.
It suddenly rains and stop.
What's happening?

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