Sunday, May 30, 2010

Burning sky

This is view of burning sky from my window where I type this blog.
Burn what?
Somewhere SE direction from the view of my window, thus possibily Jurong Island, Burning away waste gas bah?

Handmade bag bag

This weekends, I had made these crafts out of scrap cloths.
All these bag bag have no zip coz I still have not master the skill of sewing zip. (But I am good at using Winzip ok)
I like the Yoga mat bag, colour is striking and outstanding. Juz a very ordinary blue cloth, but I add a few strips of old fashion pattern, then it become something quite different.
I also made a bag to keep thermometer since the orignal bag already torn. It's made by placing 2 layers of cloth. The outer layer is made of lacey flower.
My netbook and its battery had a bag too. I used green cloth, but add "army" pattern cloth to make some enhancement.
Check out the bag bag I made today out from batik cloth. Do you like it?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vesak Celebration 2554

This year Vesak 2554 (2010), we went to the following places for celebration...

Lele school at Hai Inn Temple had 传灯on Vesak Eve, so we went to Hai Inn Temple for the lamp offering procession. It was so fun coz after a very long time, I again attended a 八十八佛忏in mandarin again. It was so many years back when I last join a 八十八佛忏 in a chinese temple!

In the morning of Vesak day, we visited ABC tentage at Aljunied and attended Blessing ceremony by Khen Rinpoche. As usual, we went for Blessing, have our vegetarian lunch and drink the most yummy Soya bean, sponsored by kind centre members.

In the noon time, we visited SBYM which is located at Clementi, OMG, it had been so long time I last visited SBYM, really miss the place so much! Saw 广品师 giving a Dharma Talk inside.

Then in the afternoon, we went to Suntec City Level 2 to attend a Vesak Exhibition organised by Kalyanamitta Centre. It was a joyful session as we were greeted by wonderful Dharma brothers and sisters with lotus in their hands, we got the chance to offer pink lotus to Buddha in the most comfortable way. We see exhibition on Buddha's Life and we circumbulate Buddha Relic. We received Blessing from monks and also we offered gold leaves to Buddha (paste them on Buddha's body).

That is our Vesak celebration so far.

Still yet to visit:
Temple at St Michael
The reclining Buddha at Man Ga Ka
Drophen Ling
Phor Kar See

Jiayou and I hope that we could do more merits during this sakadawa month!

* Om Mani Padme Hum *

Thursday, May 27, 2010

PC giving trouble

Juznow my pc was having trouble after I tear it out, trying to replace a new RAM card.
It can't log onto XP anymore :-(
Alas, i think the slot itself died, no respond totally coz whatever I add the total is still 782...
After much attempts I finally got back my setting and my XP is alive again.
Let's keep fingers cross that the next log in will be successful.
Sleepy eyes... Good night and wish every a Happy Vesk!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Arrival of uncle

This morning is so unusual.

Le Le went to receive the arrival of uncle before going to school.

We left home at 5.30am with sleepy head and tiny eyes. Sleep is precious but it's fun to go all the way to airport early in the morning too. Though it's like a mock feeling of "yeah we are going on a holiday ", but indeed it's juz something to do in the unusual hours, gee...

Everything went on fine, we had Mc Donald for breakfast, we check people in the airport, we kpo around seeing which flights going to where and we waited. Then we received uncle and then everything is back to normal. We were dropped at Le Le's school and after sending him for cc, I went to work.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


如果你一夜之间变成了pauper, 你会怎么样?



这是现今社会, 除非环境社会不变, 要不然, 你别想有个雪中送炭的人,就是一句关心的话,再也很难听到了. 富裕的人多,有多少是能体会贫忿的? 也不是他们不关心,他们未曾体会,又怎么能给与发至内心的关怀?

有钱的人,你们是幸运的.我会加油, 努力不为没钱而烦. 不是我吝舎孤含, 而是我不能像你们那样,有爸爸妈妈(留)给你的。 我会让我的小孩也能像你们一样,至少不必为钱而烦,让人认为是吝舎的。

我走来这一步, 一路不好走, 那我就得铺路,让后人更好走!

Agar Agar

以前的人很喜欢做 agar agar, 为什么现在的人不喜欢做了呢?大概大家都怕甜,都不太爱吃了吧?

其实如果用比较健康的糖来做,再加上不要用太多糖,agar agar 还是可以做得很健康的!

这个做 agar agar 的模型是以前我妈妈买的, 她不用了,我就拿来用了!


如果这个模型还不会毁在我手上的话,希望以后小孩能再用它做 agar agar 给他们的小孩吃。

让我们大家再来做一做,吃一吃 agar agar, 从温一下以前的生活吧!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Extract from ABC News:

OM MANI PADME HUM, the most popular of mantras, is the heart mantra of the Buddha of Compassion whom we call Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara, or Kuan Yin. Reciting this simple six-syllable mantra brings profound blessings to the one who recites,  and any sentient beings that person encounters.

Our Guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche says:
"The benefits of reciting the Compassion Buddha mantra are infinite, like the limitless sky."

When one recites ten malas of OM MANI PADME HUM, "Such a person becomes meaningful to behold; being seen and touched becomes a means of liberating other sentient beings. This means that even the person's breath touching the bodies of other sentient beings purifies their negative karma. Anybody who drinks the water in which such a person has swum gets purified."

So friends, please start to chant OM MANI PADME HUM from now on!
Wishing all friends a Happy Vesak 2010!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Raining Evening

Today around 4.30 pm, the sky suddenly turn very dark grey and begin to rain heavily.

The sky went clear again around 5.30 pm but still continue to rain.

The good thing is, we will be able to enjoy a breezy and cool night!

zzz good night!

Morning after a night drizzling

It was after drizzling in the morning. Sky still dark and the weather was cool.

Best time for... 
1) going to work? Chey!
2) continue to sleep? Yeah!

But I have no option, I have to do with no. 1...


Sou san's wedding pix

这是驻在日本-富士通天的中国同事, 曹凯,传来的结婚照。

Future MRT/LRT system map

Start marking your nearest MRT/LRT location!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beads curtain


This is one of the 新谣 song written by 梁文福 many many years back, but I still remember the rhythm and some of the verses.

This is a pix taken at the back of our office building (again!). Think it was rainning earlier and then the water droplets form this great master piece, juz like a curtain make from crystal beads!

Facebook | Your Photos - Beh's Birthday

Juz to create a mini birthday celebration for the 2 rascals to be happy coz they enjoy singing Birthday Song. We hate revealing age, but ok this time, anyway, is always 20s. Hee..

View more pictures at my facebook by clicking on Beh's Birthday

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Milk Toof

I think this is a very cute blog. It's call My Milk Toof (Tooth).
Check out the Blog and I hope it's OK to post one of those cute pix here!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy & Blessed Mother's Day

Everyday is mother's day coz there is no different today.
I received this from JS co. who had an event at RCHotel today.
The gift is sponsored by RC.

Nevertheless, I would like to wish all mothers and mother-sentient-beings a


IR. Marina Sand

We passby IR Marina Sand Hotel today.
We just pass by on car.
Some quick shots to share!



漂亮吧,还可以看到恐龙大战, 真有趣!



Metta on the way to school

Check out Metta on the way to school.
That was last day of April and I brought her to school early in the morning, taking bus.

Abacus school

Le Le at abacus school. Juz started him off abacusing, hope he can quickily catch up...

No Kiasu mummy, but it's a kiasu society, so...

Breakfast at Science Hub cafe

Breakfast at Science Hub Cafe alone. I went for my health screening and then I was all alone, escaping from work that day (with official leave application).

Juz want a healthy day!

Home-made green bean soup with purple sweet potato

Drinking home-made green bean soup with purple sweet potato at this hour!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

My dinner tonight - Japanese Ka-re (Curry) Rice

No special occassion, tonight's dinner, home cook Japanese Ka-re rice!

At the backyard of my workplace

I can't work full 8 hours a day. Frankly speaking sometimes I would walk to the washroom at the back of the office building and I would get out of the building too.

During few of those afternoon, I captured some of these onto my mobile phone.

Was a quiet afternoon when I captured the flower & grass.

The moth (or bee or butterfly) was captured inside out, it was resting on a glass panel during a rainny afternoon.

These are some of the nice nice thing which would change my mood alittle better!

Thursday, May 06, 2010


是老板的不谅解。 我又没错, 为什么要当着这么多人的面前指责我,硬把过失说到像是我的错一样?难道老板永远是对的吗?
一位新来的同事走过来, 把两个饼干塞给我说:"请你吃!" 我的眼睛几乎标出眼泪, 因为在我不快乐的当下, 一位认识不到一周的众生, 尽然赿来两个快乐饼干,让我无法不从心里感激这位善人!
Joselin, 谢谢你!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


It's the first time I look through a telescope and saw Saturn and its biggest moon, Titan.
I saw the Jewel Box and I saw the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius (the Dog Star).
It was something so different on Friday evening!
我们也看到了一群彩色的星星,仿佛天上美丽的"钻石"。讲解员说是什么 belt 的,就是说不上来。
对了, 还有天狼星 (Sirius),是天上最亮的一颗星!

Batman - 蝙蝠侠

昨晚回家后, 我打开电灯, 尽然听到 "吱吱吱" 的叫声。
起初还以为是什么壁虎之类的东西, 后来神秘东西又再一次发出 "吱!吱!吱!" 的叫声, 不仅教人起鸡皮疙瘩!
在好奇心的驱使下, 我尽然大胆的翻被单, 枕头, 尽然让我在窗帘后面发现了它!
蝙蝠侠! 它倒挂在我的窗口上面, 怎么赶也赶不走。
(后来还是被我们用衣竿赶走, 要不然就不能把窗口关上了。)

蝙蝠倒, 哇! 像不像是说:"福到" 了呢?

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