Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air.
I really like the Oriental mood. These were taken just days before CNY Ox year. Look how nice were all the Chinese deco !

Hormat Singapura

Hormat Singapura!
向国家 - 新加坡,敬礼。 我们都爱新加坡, 如果没有安稳的家园,我们又怎么能放心的住在这里?
在新的一年里,我们希望新加坡不论遇到什么困难,都能扭转乾坤, 国家能国泰民安, 国运昌荣!
我们的祖国新加坡, 我们永远都爱你!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


新春大吉,HAPPY 牛 YEAR!!!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Our Taiwan Trip

We are back from Taiwan.

Wooo.. 8 days, that's it. Excite for the days to come and here we ended the trip. How days passed.

We travelled round Taiwan for 8 days entering from Taipei, travelling clockwise to Keelung to Yilan to Hualien to Taitung to Kenting to Kaohsiung to Nantou to Taichung to Hsinchu to Taoyuan and then back to Taipei again.

Basically not easy to handle 2 kids during this trip especailly we have number of Night Market to go for our own dinner. It was an experience.

The weather was disappointing. We expect it to be cold but it was as hot as Singapore and our winter wear are redundant, I would say. It was far from our expectation of a "winter holiday".

Other than the weather, everythings were good including all the hotels we stayed, they were really good. Thumb up.

Some pix to share with everyone.

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