Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On the way to school

乐乐's school (childcare centre) is just a stone throw away from my office.

One morning 乐乐 ask me to take some pictures of him before going to the school. I took a few shot of him on my digital camera, but he requested me to snap using my handphone. I managed to snap this one.

Here is 乐乐 saying "Good Morning" to everyone!!!


老实说, 宝宝其实从来都没有一双新鞋子。因为小孩子的脚, 很快就大了。 穿不到一些时候, 就穿不下了。

她所穿的鞋子都是别人给的, 所以我决定了, 为宝宝买一双新鞋。

看看,美吗?是我选的喔!宝宝能走时, 鞋子就会发出 “吱,吱,吱。。。” 的声音, 虽然不怎么希奇, 但是却很可爱, 不是吗?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

情人节宝宝 Metta 的一岁生日

二月十四,这一天是众所周知的 "西方情人节", St Valentine's Day

这一天也是Metta 宝宝的生日。


天, 由乐乐代选了一个蛋糕给宝宝,很开心的回家了。我们开了一个小小的 party 。 其实也不算是 party 啦。不就是大家坐在一起用了Steamboat 晚餐。

以后再也不庆祝情人节了, 因为 Metta 宝宝将成为我的 "新情人", 哈哈!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

2008 鼠年 - 新年快乐

* 恭祝大家 " 鼠年行大运", 新年快乐, Happy Lunar New Year!!! *

今年是Metta宝宝第一次到亲戚朋友家拜年, 因为去年刚刚出生几天, 就过年了。乐乐到亲戚家拜年,似乎对到访的小朋友, 一点都不陌生。小孩子就是这样, 他们不分你我, 都是好朋友。

除了到亲戚朋友家拜年之外, 这个新年我们也到 "春到河畔" 逛逛, 看一看那里的装饰, 感染一下春的气氛。((其实那儿,人山人海, 天气又热, 真的是 "春到河畔" ...))

吃喝玩乐, 就这样,四天的假日过去了, 又要开工了。 鼠儿, 你来得快,假日也去得快呀!

Potty Training

We are training Rinchen for potty so that he can tell us or go to toilet himself without using diaper. He is 3 years 2 months old. Maybe quite late to take him off diaper, hmm...

During the past weeks till today we have seen progress. He knows how to tell us when he wants to do big business. This week, he is doing well with telling us when he need to do small business. At times he still forget to tell us when he is too engross in playing or doing something.

Big HUGS for Le Le..

Collaboration request

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